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Mini mangos? Now a reality

Colombian company Sugar Sweet Mangos begins campaign to export its mini variety

Sweet, fragrant mini mangos with edible peel. We are talking about the Sweet Sugar Mango™, a truly unique cultivar that is smaller and sweeter than the Ataulfo and Honey varieties and much more practical given that it can be eaten whole, peel included.

Colombian company Goldenberry Farms has begun exporting the first crates of this miniature mango cultivar, already protected with a trademark. Naturally grown, the fruits can be held in the palm of your hand and are unique due to their edible peel. Hence their nickname, the “lunchbox mango”.

The flesh of the Sweet Sugar mango is red and fragrant with a sweet flavour and a more than acceptable dry matter level of 22 degrees Brix. And unlike other exotic mangos, Sweet Sugar Mangos do not have a fibrous pulp. They are not GMO and their harvest season runs from April to September.

(Credits: Ein News)

Grown exclusively in the Magdalena region of Colombia, near Santa Marta on the Caribbean coast, they benefit from the tropical environment and the ideal microclimate for this specialty fruit. The mini mangos are packaged in two-kilo crates (4.5 pounds), containing 18-24 fruits. Retail kits and customisable mini cardboard boxes for in-store sales are also available.

Goldenberry Farms estimates that it will be able to supply up to 6000 boxes a week of Sugar Mangos and Sweet Sugar Mangos. Both exclusive Goldenberry Farms trademarks are available to customers globally, pending the final authorisation for entering the US market, expected to be granted this season.

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